martedì 1 novembre 2011

Film: Montevideo, Bog te video

Main Characters (Ko glavni likovi): Tirke, Mosa, Stanoje

Gde (Location) : U Beogradu (In Belgrade)

Kada (Time): 1930

Plot (Radinja): During the time of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians (Kingdom of Yugoslavia), Tirke (a street football player) wants to enter BSC. However, his family gives him suggestions for a job. He has a loyal friend, Stanoje who is a shoe polisher. Tirke meets Mosa, who is the best player for BSC. Mosa gives him a place in BSC. However, Tirke falls in love with a girl named Rosa. This leads to a conflict where Mosa's Girlfriend, Valeria, who is a painter, plays around with Tirke. This leads to conflicts between Mosa and Tirke. 2 friends become foes. However for the love of football, they become friends again and get over their women problems. However in a friendly match against Bulgaria, Serbia wins the second round, and a Bulgarian supporter is forced at gunpoint to call FIFA and Serbia is admitted to play at the FIFA World Cup in Montevideo, Uruguay.

What I liked: It was a film worth watching. It is different and it has a feeling as if you are in there. You feel it in the music and comedy parts. 

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