venerdì 10 febbraio 2012

Jagoda U Supermarketu

Jagoda u supermarketu (english: Strawberry in the supermarket) is a movie about a new American supermarket in Belgrade. An old lady comes at closing time and asks for strawberries. She is harassed by one of the waitresses. The old ladies grandson comes in with a gun, and holds people hostage. He gives up later on when he finds out the only cashier he has is the woman who harassed his grandmother, and the game is over.

martedì 17 gennaio 2012

The Secret of Nikola Tesla

I knew about Nikola Tesla before, but this film brought more facts. I knew that Nikola Tesla invented Alternating Current (AC), but many new facts came. I found out that he built his tower in Colorado Springs, which i never knew before thanks to this movie. Here is my biography:

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor known for bringing a new type of Electrical Current, the Alternating Current. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, in the mountainous region of Lika in Croatia, at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Tesla lived in Hungary, as well as Germany, in his freetime discovering new types of electricity. At the age of 35, he became a naturalised citizen of the United States of America. Moving here was a bit easier because Tesla was a polyglot. He could speak his mother tongue, English, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin. Nikola Tesla began to work later in Colorado Springs, where he has done many experiments, such as taking notes while electricity comes out from his Alternating Current. Later, he met Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor who was famous to building the Marconi Wireless, with inspiration from Tesla, who also observed Tesla work in his Colorado Springs Laboratory. When James Pierpont Morgan cut off his financial support, Tesla lost his Colorado Springs Laboratory and his Electrical Transmitting Tower. Later, with support from JP Morgan, Tesla built his Wardenclyffe Facility in Long Island. Later, Marconi got an award for claiming he is "inventor of the Radio". Due to later Financial problems, the Wardenclyffe Facility, and Tower was never completed. Today, the ruins of the Wardenclyffe is visible in the area it is. It is not open to the public, but can be seen through the trees. When Tesla died, his ashes were sent to the Yugoslav Capital, Belgrade, where his ashes lie in an urn in the new Nikola Tesla Museum.
File:BrochureWardenclyffe .PNG
Tesla's Wardenclyffe Facility in New York as if it was completed, but it was not.

File:Tesla Geburtshaus.jpg
Nikola Tesla's Memorial in Smiljan with his birth house and the church his father preached at.

Tesla sitting down in his laboratory.

-----All images from Wikipedia Page about Nikola Tesla-------------------------------------------------------

His patents on Alternating Current is